
10 Million Steps to South America with SMA

August 24, 2020

Despite the ongoing pandemic caused by COVID-19, the team at SMA has managed to take over 10 million steps in a virtual tour of Central and South America. All of us are motivated to stay healthy by tracking our daily steps and keeping a total record. Once these steps are collected, they are converted to miles and used to take a virtual tour of Central and South America. Our SMA tour guide collects the current step mileage and pinpoints the current location of the team. The tour guide then gives a daily update during one of the SMA team Zoom meetings and presents between 5 to 10 minutes of facts about the current location and surroundings. We also congratulate any stepper who puts in serious mileage.

On 20 August 2020, SMA logged 10 million steps. Starting from the SMA headquarters in Irvine, California, SMA has traveled south crossing the Mexican border, into Central America, and recently pushed into South America. The team has been to amazing virtual locations including the populous Mexico City, the Mayan ruins in Guatemala, the barrier reefs in Belize, the Panama Canal, the Darien Gap into South America, and most recently the Galapagos off the Ecuadorian shores. The current goal is to reach the southernmost tip of South America and hit Tierra Del Fuego. Once there we will make our way back and explore some of the other South American countries we have yet to visit. We don’t know when the COVID-19 situation will be over, but in the meantime SMA continues to stay healthy and virtually explore the world!

10 millions steps from SMA HQ

SMA HQ, Irvine, CA

10 million steps - Mexico City

Mexico City

10 million steps - Tikal, Guatemala

Tikal, Guatemala

10 million steps - Belize Barrier Reef

Barrier Reef, Belize

10 million steps - Panama Canal

Panama Canal

10 million steps - Darien Gap

Darién Gap, Panama/Colombia

10 million steps - Galapagos Islands

Galápagos Islands, Ecuador

10 million steps - Tierra del Fuego

Tierra del Fuego

Posted on August 24, 2020, by

Dick Eassom, CF APMP Fellow