
RFP Strategy, Trends and Professionalism, Podcast Part 2

November 8, 2019

In the last 20 years, proposal professionals have done a lot of work in developing best practices around the proposal process, defining the skills and competencies required to craft a winning RFP. But we have yet to clearly define what professionalism means for our tradecraft in terms of mindset or attitude. So, how has the proposal industry evolved over time? How can our community set the trends for a better future? How do we want others to see us?

On this podcast with Lisa Rehurek of The RFP Success® Show, SMA CEO Ajay Patel shares his historical perspective on the evolution of the proposal industry and weighs in on the areas the community should look at moving forward. He explores the possibility of creating a process for proposal strategy, the development of visual literacy, and the pivotal role narrative plays in the RFP response. Listen in to understand the five models of nonfiction storytelling and learn Ajay’s take on what professionalism means in our tradecraft.

Listen to the podcast here:

Posted on November 8, 2019, by

Dick Eassom, CF APMP Fellow